Visiting Professor at the University of Suffolk
At the end of the 2017 I was extremely pleased to be made a visiting professor at the University of Suffolk. I will be working in the...
Error in the link!
I think I posted an incorrect link for the article. Here's the working link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.0173...
Perceiving 2 and 3 dimensional abstract art
I have just published an article that brings together the research I have been conducting that looks at how we perceive 2d and 3d...

The measurement and understanding of avian cognition and behaviour
Jessica Schwarzenbach and I are back visiting the Psychology Department at Cambridge University. We have been here a month and are...
New Zealand robins: analysing their behaviour
I recently published a commentary article in Frontiers. In the paper I explored and proposed a my approach to evaluating the data...
Big Bad Wolf article published
Today I have published with Uta Jurgens an article on the stereotype of the Big Bad Wolf in central Europe. This article sets out the...

Bermuda bird stories survey goes live
Today, Bernews ran a call for participation on their website. I am very pleased to say that I received 3 stories within a few minutes of...

Site of crow survey: Bermuda
The islands of Bermuda have been chosen as the location for our study into the lives of the American crow. There are several reasons for...

American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
Here are the birds we are interested in:
The Behaviour and Status of American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) in Bermuda
This is another research project Jessica Schwarzenbach and I are conducting on Bermuda. Unlike the stories about birds on Bermuda...